About Us

Through community we long to activate a people to partner with Jesus and His desires on the earth right now.

Expression58 is about the expression of Isaiah 58 becoming part of the every day lifestyles of Christians all over the world: Those who would love what He loves and those who would walk in radical obedience. We want to see the ordinary person filled with an extraordinary God in a way that shows up their every day life.

Expression58 ministries goal is to love well.

Whether it is the marketplace or foreign countries, the poor here in America or abroad, or the church around the world, we need to be driven by eternity in every practical and spiritual way so the world will look at us and see Jesus. Not just know that we are Christians but they will see Christ and become provoked in their heart towards eternity. As we walk out the expression that is defined in Isaiah 58 there are 21 promises that are given to us that will happen in our lives, and we are committed to leading this fruitful passionate journey of walking like Jesus.

Jesus said, “Ask for laborers to be released to the harvest field for the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.”

We believe there is a harvest of harvesters going on right now. Those that will be harvesters, those who have a God seed of truth inside of them but haven’t been walking in the fullness of this truth. We want to see the body of Christ go deeper in their destiny and identity in the truth of Jesus. Beyond the harvest of harvesters, we love the lost as though they are already part of our family, not making them feel estranged like strangers, but allowing them to feel at home with us. We are a ministry of personal and corporate Transformation. Transformation happens when there is agreement between heaven and earth. As we are equipped and are trained—first by the Lord, then by impartation of the Spirit, hands on training, and the understanding of the word we become partners with His heavenly mandates. It is different than just sitting and being taught; it is “doing” and even more so “being” like Him.


What We Do

Expression58 is a missions base for many types of ministry all birthed out of a deep sense of community centered on the first and second commandments of Christ. We have a passion for God and a passion for people. Here is a little of what we do:

  • Develop a deep community of affection that we call a local church
  • Be a catalyst for healthy families
  • Host events/conferences, meetings
  • Host creative symposiums
  • Train and Equip through internships for leadership, the arts, justice and missions
  • Produce writing, music, and media
  • Passionate worship
  • Revelation teams (prophetic ministry)
  • Healing teams
  • Build in the local community

Where We are Going

We are located in Glendale where we are planting our church and missions base. We are constantly building new friendships and ministry relationships along the way, and we are believing for God’s purposes in Los Angeles and California as well as the world. We have a radical heart for those called to change the culture through the entertainment industry, and we have an even more radical heart for the poor of the earth.