What is social justice and is it even in the Bible?
Christians seem to ask this question all the time, yet still are confused and divided over the answers they come up with. What would God say about social justice as we know it today? This book answers those questions and much more.
God Loves Justice is a practical guide to understanding biblical social justice.
As an introductory and user-friendly source, it explores biblical justice, using what God loves as its foundation.
Fun, approachable, and conversational -- this guide is meant to help you better understand justice, righteousness, and the Bible overall.
Topics covered include:
- The Biblical definition of righteousness and justice
- What justice and righteousness looked like in the lives of people in the Bible
- How justice connects to love, grace, mercy, and compassion
- Why it’s challenging for Christians to see justice in the New Testament
- How Jesus is the foundation of our justice and righteousness
- How justice and righteousness are integrated into the kingdom of God
- How to practically express justice and righteousness through your life
Anchored in biblical truth, this Christ-centered resource is tool for connecting your faith to justice and for knowing God’s love.
Author bio
Jessica Nicholas lived a secret for over a decade. While she worked passionately for social justice, she couldn’t define it or give its biblical meaning. In her church background, social justice had a reputation for being secular and theologically weak. After God challenged her to learn what He loves, she changed from doing research about social justice to studying the Bible. In the Bible, she found the most powerful, practical, Christ-centered and unbiased message about justice. Because of this, she is passionate about creating resources in everyday language for Christians to better understand biblical justice and righteousness. Jessica lives in Los Angeles, California and works in the education field.